Puss!! =)

Rakt in i mitt hjärta och ut till er!!

I dream of the mystery that lies behind the woman that pocesses my faction.
She leaves sonic footprints in my brain hearing her in my every tought every dream.
I take joy in the pain of waiting for her every word knowing it surely makes me fly.
I run around much like little kid in the shadows of my own life drawing my powers from its sad sad ignorence constantly wondering what i've done to deserve the precense of this angel like creature.
A broken man i think to my self looking at the faded reflection of my former self but swiftly look away dreaming my self away to a better place where i have her in my arms, feeling your every touch every breath against my neck feeling the chill down my spine.
She makes you feel like you can move mountains whit a blink of an eye.
Then i wake up to the somber tone of life knocking on my shoulder realising its not a dream but a near illusion of a life in pain.
Still i long for the words of this godsent angel every minute,every hour just to feel my heart skip a beat or two.

Every moment without you is a tear slowly running down my cheek, finding its way down to the floor.
Every breath i take is a quiet sigh of despair longing for you.
As i single out my feelings for you in a cloud of questionable wasteland i cant help feeling a little bit lost and confused.
Am i ready to be guided through this path i have walked so many times before and still never made it to the end?
Looking for every sign down the road, still the only thing i see is your smile!!
You are the essence of my love there is no denying it and i would climp anything to give my heart to you fully whatever hurdle there might be.
I will gladly destroy it in your honor just to show you how much you really mean to me.
I give my self to you fully and i ask only one thing in return *return my love unharmed and as lovely as you are....

Jag reserverar mig för stavfel, skrivfel osv men ville bara lägga ut denna då den är för vacker för att inte läsas =)

Puss och kram!

Postat av: anne

Hur har du det med allt nu? Kanske på rätt väg äntligen...

2009-04-26 @ 20:22:10
URL: http://annnne.blogg.se/
Postat av: S

=) Fint hihi

2009-04-27 @ 00:02:56
Postat av: Vaniljis

Äntligen kan man lägga kommentarer härinne igen. ;)

Ha en superfin vecka! Kramar

2009-04-27 @ 06:22:22
URL: http://vaniljis.blogg.se/
Postat av: tess


hittade innget mail.... men de e okej. Du kanske inget skrev.

Jag är inte alls bra... mycket har hänt å jag har inte ffri tillgång till nätet. Vill inte skriva här men ja lever å jobbar vidare. Maila gärna.... tänker på dig..//Tess

2009-04-27 @ 12:28:05
URL: http://tess701.blogg.se/
Postat av: Barnens Hjältar

Åh fint :-)

Jotack, bra helg var det..nu väntar en hyfsat lugn vecka :-)

Färre arbetsdagar då ;-)

2009-04-27 @ 20:56:04
URL: http://barnenshjaltar.blogg.se/
Postat av: monia

SHUTTER SHADES, hiss eller diss, vad tycker du? kika gärna in hos mig och säg din åsikt :) kram





2009-04-29 @ 09:06:25
URL: http://moniasundgrenjansson.blogg.se/
Postat av: Tesstamente

Jag får rysningar- vem har skrivit det där??

2009-05-03 @ 16:28:50
URL: http://tesstamente.blogg.se/
Postat av: K

"jag får rysningar- vem har skrivit de där??"

that would be me=)

2009-05-03 @ 23:44:36
URL: http://argutoergosum.blogg.se/

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